Posts tagged government
Spain’s Podemos: Populism Done Left

“Turn Indignation Into Political Change”- the title of a Spanish anti-government manifesto published in 2014 by a group of college professors and media personalities. In it, these outsiders challenge the legitimacy of the country’s two-party regime and call for the creation of something new: Podemos. This subversive platform would work to protect the welfare state and push for housing decommodification, female liberation, and several other progressive initiatives. 

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Pakistan: Judas of the American Alliance

The U.S. has long seen Pakistan as an ally in South and Central Asia despite a long history of the Pakistani government supporting terrorist groups who have sought to attack America, a policy that continues today.

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The Dirty Business of Humanitarian Aid in Afghanistan

Afghanistan currently faces the largest humanitarian catastrophe in the world which has led to billions of dollars worth of humanitarian aid but corruption, theft and hidden agendas have led to a distribution system that, in its current form, could be actively making the problem worse. 

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If You Stand With Ukraine, You Must Also Stand With Afghanistan (Part 2)

The United States and its allies have abandoned Afghanistan after their two-decade-long occupation, leading to the country's descent into a humanitarian crisis and a terrorist-led government. Meanwhile, these nations have shifted their focus to supporting Ukraine in its conflict with Russia, with rhetoric about defending values of democracy and political freedom, but to the Afghan people, this rings hollow. The US's current policy towards Afghanistan is focused on containment rather than support for any specific actors, and their cooperation with the Taliban is reminiscent of Reagan's failed policy of "constructive engagement" with Apartheid South Africa.

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If You Stand With Ukraine, You Must Also Stand With Afghanistan

The United States and its allies have abandoned Afghanistan after their two-decade-long occupation, leading to the country's descent into a humanitarian crisis and a terrorist-led government. Meanwhile, these nations have shifted their focus to supporting Ukraine in its conflict with Russia, with rhetoric about defending values of democracy and political freedom, but to the Afghan people, this rings hollow. The US's current policy towards Afghanistan is focused on containment rather than support for any specific actors, and their cooperation with the Taliban is reminiscent of Reagan's failed policy of "constructive engagement" with Apartheid South Africa.

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How Widespread Corruption Brought About the Energy Crisis in South Africa

South Africa is facing its worst energy crisis in over three decades due to corruption and aging infrastructure. The country's economy and politics are under threat, and the government's main task is to restore energy security. The energy crisis is largely due to the mismanagement of Eskom, the state-owned energy provider, and the reluctance of some officials to support the building of clean energy infrastructure. The crisis has led to protests and riots, and urgent action is needed to address the issue.

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